<aside> 💡 In France, the 2019 PACTE Act allows companies to include a purpose ("raison d'être") in their articles of association. The purpose aims to map a long-term plan for the integration of ESG policies within your firm's core activities and competencies.


Such statements are an opportunity to strengthen the firm's social and environmental commitments, making them explicit to internal stakeholders as well as third parties, and positioning the company as a true agent for change.

<aside> 💡 Who are you? What is your company’s impact beyond profit-making? What makes your employees get out of bed in the morning?


Your purpose is embedded in the company’s daily routines and core competencies. Compliance is assessed by a monitoring body that includes employee representation.

⇒ It provides guidelines for corporate strategy, towards a decision-making that is aligned with the firm’s ethos

How do I state a purpose?

Assessing my purpose statement

SCORE Framework


<aside> 💡 5 essential questions to assess your purpose statement

They did it first

Gens de Confiance

Pour en finir avec la Raison d’Etre - Victoire Aubonnet

Patagonia’s Core Values

Our Core Values | Patagonia UK

Energiency’s Purpose Statement

Sustainability and energy efficiency in manufacturing systems and industry 4.0

Veolia’s Purpose Statement

The long version of our purpose

Opal’s Manifesto

Our Manifesto | Opal