<aside> 💡 As a Tech company, you have a responsibility to take action against climate change. According to the UN's Environment Program, the sector accounted for 2% to 3% of the world's carbon emissions in 2021, which is comparable to the global aviation industry. If no action is taken, the Tech industry's CO2e emissions are expected to increase significantly in the coming years.
At the same time, the Tech & Digital sector can contribute to global neutrality by helping to reduce emissions in other sectors. Tech & Digital products and services, when deployed, can help prevent emissions that would have otherwise occurred. Car sharing and remote meetings are well-known examples.
Thanks to our partnership with Sweep, we offer you the possibility to conduct a Carbon footprint assessment on your scope 1, 2 and 3 upstream The methodology is flexible and can be adjusted to your maturity and resources. This enables them to provide either monetary or physical data. All missing data is estimated by Sweep using a granular proxy based on the company’s sector, geography, and size.